Key Considerations for Attracting the Best Architectural Talent in 2024

Key Considerations for Attracting the Best Architectural Talent in 2024

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4 months ago

by Ross McNeil

​Attracting the best talent in the architectural sector is a constantly evolving challenge. From the impact of tech, hybrid working, changes in candidate expectations and more, here we explore four key aspects toward attracting the best architectural talent.

Employer Brand

As we’ve explored in more detail here, the importance of your employer brand, or indeed the communication of your ‘employer value proposition’ (EVP) is almost second to none. Your employer brand is the identity that you are asking your prospective applicants to align themselves to, and it must be well-crafted, accurate and compelling in style, to ensure you reach the more discerning candidates, and engage people who will stay with you for a long time. Find out more here.

Leverage Social Media

The importance of social media as a means to gather information on a business continues to grow. Sure LinkedIn may have slightly more corporate messaging, but what about Instagram? You may find a more ‘true’ reflection of a business on their Instagram feed, a peak behind the curtains, as social media managers tend to be a little more bold when armed with their own mobile and access to the company account.

Your business likely has a greater following than you think on social media, and you can be sure that one of the first ports of call for a candidate doing their research will be your social media profiles - make sure they’re up to date and true to your business personality.

Events & University Partnerships

Meeting people face to face feels a bit 90s doesn’t it? The world of Teams and Zoom can feel a little like it’s taken over, but don’t underestimate the power of positioning yourself to meet prospective candidates face to face. There’s something very real about the immediate feeling of warmth and trust that comes about through meeting somebody in person, over and above a faceless name on an email thread. Get your architectural business out there in the wild, attend events, hook up with universities and invest in an expo stand - you’ll find the human interaction will go a long way toward your relationship building and talent pipeline.

Sustainability & Innovation

Finally, building a sustainable practice, and ensuring you continue to invest in your innovation and development across your business are essential. The more discerning candidates will have no interest in an organisation without a soul, and without direction. Ensure your business values are up front and centre, and stay mindful of your business character when you’re looking to attract new team members.

At Architypes we specialise in the development of attraction strategies for architectural organisations large and small, if you’d like to speak to us about your talent attraction challenges as we enter the second half of 2024, contact our team today.


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